Maria Larsson, PhD

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Project Assistant Professor

User Interface Research Group
Department of Creative Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo


I am a Project Assistant Professor the Department of Creative Informatics at the University of Tokyo, supported by RIISE and ACT-X. My research focuses on developing computational design systems for sustainable manufacturing. I received my Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology from the University of Tokyo in 2023, advised by Takeo Igarashi, and have presented technical papers at several international conferences including SIGGRAPH, UIST, and SCF. I am also serving on the technical papers committee for SIGGRAPH Asia.

I have an interdisciplinary background spanning technology, design, and humanities. I have worked as an architectural designer with Pool Architekten in Switzerland and the Digital Design Lab of Nikken Sekkei in Japan. I hold an M.Eng. in Architecture from the University of Tokyo and a B.A. in History of Art and Architecture from Harvard University.

Download CV here



Short technical paper

🆕 A Design and Fabrication Workflow for Upcycling Leftover Fabrics

International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC) 2024
Musashi Shinjo, Maria Larsson, and Hironori Yoshida

Learned inference

Technical paper

🆕 Learned Inference of Annual Ring Patterns of Solid Wood

Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) 2024
Maria Larsson,* Takashi Ijiri,* I-Chao Shen, Hironori Yoshida, Ariel Shamir, and Takeo Igarashi

PhD Thesis front page

PhD Thesis

Computational Carpentry: Material- and Fabrication-aware Design Systems

Japanese title:「計算木工: 素材および製作プロセスを考慮したデザインシステム」 The University of Tokyo, 2023. Adviser: Takeo Igarashi
[Full text PDF] [Abstract PDF] [Abstract PDF (JP)]

Procedural Knot

Technical paper

Procedural Texturing of Solid Wood with Knots

Transactions on Graphics (TOG) / SIGGRAPH 2022
Maria Larsson, Takashi Ijiri, Hironori Yoshida, Johannes Huber, Magnus Fredriksson, Olof Broman, and Takeo Igarashi
[PDF] [Video] [DOI] [Project page]

Tsugite Joint

Technical paper

Tsugite: Interactive Design and Fabrication of Wood Joints

User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2020
Maria Larsson, Hironori Yoshida, Nobuyuki Umetani, and Takeo Igarashi
[PDF] [Video] [DOI] [Project page] [GitHub ☆ 400+ stars]

Branch Dome

Technical paper

Human-in-the-loop Fabrication of 3D Surfaces with Natural Tree Branches

Symposium on Computational Fabrication (SCF) 2019
Maria Larsson, Hironori Yoshida, and Takeo Igarashi
[PDF] [Video] [Presentation (13 min)] [DOI] [Project page]

Branch Connect

Short technical paper

Upcycling Tree Branches as Architectural Elements

Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI) 2019
Hironori Yoshida, Maria Larsson, and Takeo Igarashi
[PDF] [Video] [DOI]

Other (non-peer-reviewed) writing:

Blog post

Updating the art of joinery for the 21st century (EN)

Medium, Oct 10, 2020 [Link]

Invited article

中銀カプセルタワーに住んでいた留学生から見た日本の生活 (JP)

English title: "Life in Japan as seen from a student from overseas who lived in the Nakagin Capsule Tower"
RE No. 184 / Building Maintenance and Management Center (BMMC), Oct 1, 2014

Grants & Awards

Swirled Branches


Design Work

Campus Biel/Bienne


